Channel: RAC Motoring Forum
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Car sharing

Hi everyone, I want to earn back some of the money that I spend on my car annually on a car rental marketplace like https://www.rentecarlo.com ? I have a VW Polo two years old Have any of you tried...

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peugeot 206 steering play?

hi al my dad has a 2001 peugeot 206 1.4 petrol...he phoned me saying the steering feels really light and the front ends like steering a boat...i was working away but he nipped it a local garage they...

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Problem with registering new vehicle

Hi all, Ive just bought a new motorbike from a dealership and was supposed to pick it up yesterday. However, the dealer is saying that the DVLA website is down, and has been for a couple of days, and...

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Coming up to junctions and roundabouts

This is just a topic out of interest to see what others think. I have passed my test in 2007 and just waiting to get my licence back after a head injury. Back when I was learning to drive I had 4...

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Low Power - Fiat Punto

Hey up Just looking for some advice with my car, if anyone could help please? Yesterday while driving it, I suddenly lost a lot of power. While idoling the engine was spluttering and shaking quite...

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Alto 2003 clutch noise/thud

Hi all, hoping someone can give some advice on my alto clutch issue. It has 93000 miles on it, the clutch does not slip or anything, but recently the car has started making a thudding noise when the...

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bump at a roundabout

Hi can anyone help I bumped into the back of a car at a roundabout. We were both ready for pulling out and a gap appeared for us both to pull out so we both started to move and the driver in front of...

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Why you should never go all the way from the fastest lane to the exit of a...

This video was linked on the truck forum: Put your coffee down before you watch it. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a4a_1...TzBwSz7PgjO.99

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Car damaged while parked unattended - do I contact my insurer?

Hi all, I went back to my car after work to find it with a few dent and some minor scratches on both passenger-side doors. Two body repair shops quoted £350-500 depended on whether we'll paint over the...

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If you drive a Lexus, read this

Almost 10,000 Lexus cars across Britain have been recalled because of faulty fuel delivery pipes. Toyota, the car manufacturer, said the problem caused a risk of leaks and is part of a worldwide recall...

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Police mobile safety camera vans

This morning, driving along a main road into Leicester, there was a police camera van on our left as we passed. Parked right in the centre of the pavement, it left inadequate room for a pram of...

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Nissan Micra K12 Battery flat, seems to be a key broken in emergency lock!!!

Help please, my sister has a 2003 Nissan Micra, as she has been poorly the car has not been used much recently and the battery seems to have gone flat. No prob i thought as i can use the key to get...

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My pug 306 r reg dash lights flicker and all my clocks go funny, door locks...

Need help, I was driving my car to work and all my dash lights flicker and all my clocks go funny, door locks goes off and the radio goes off as well when I am changing gear, but when not changing gear...

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Car insurance help third party denying liability

I was involved in a car accident at the beginning of October 2014 where a 'lady' drove straight into the back of me whilst i was stationary, pushing me into a stationary lorry, now she is making out...

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Nissan Terrano 2.7Tdi 1999 Mass air sensor

Hi, first time on here, just after some advice before I go buying a new sensor.. Ok, I've had the Nissan sat for the last 9months, just started it up after changing the Fuel filter and battery, been...

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Continental market in leicester 15/10 - 19/10 2014

I used to think that the Continentals brought their own produce over with them. Well, on Tuesday, we happened to be in our local Lidl store when two Frenchmen came in and bought a load of plain flour...

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where can i buy a new sd card

for my rac sat nav

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Chain store selling items only to preferential customers.

We were looking on line for a ceramic-finished paella pan and the Debenhams website came up showing one by Sabatier. This being ideal for us, I contacted their customer services to order it. At first,...

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Overfilled Coolant

HiI filled my ford fiesta zetec 1.25litre with too much coolant, however I read somewhere that the car has a mechanism that helps it deal with the excess by itself. It's been a few months since I read...

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Do People who hog the Overtaking lane realise how dangerous they are?

I was driving on the A50 today. Hardly any HGVs on the road today. I was probably doing about 65 mph on the inside lane of two lanes. Coming along on the outside lane, doing about 70 mph, I guess, was...

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