Channel: RAC Motoring Forum
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ford ka mileage counter resetting every time car started

Hi! My mileage counter (not the main mileage the one that counts the miles per journey) resets everytime the car is turned off/on. I thought is this something to do with the battery but having no other...

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prompt service

My wife visited a hospital yesterday afternoon and having parked once she decided to move her car another foot or so. The electrics were dead and she had to dash for an appointment. Having phoned me I...

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Corsa Start Up Noise/Rattle

Hello, I have a 2008 (58 reg) Vauxhall Corsa SXI 1.2 16v and when i start it, there is a loud rattling sound coming from the drivers side and it seems to quieten down/dissapear after a couple of...

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what is problem with later Discovery engines?

I have just been looking on another site although I have heard of the problem before and that is later Discoverys fitted with Ford engines that explode without reason.. one guy had it happen and he...

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Crit'Air - clean air stickers

This RAC website "Crit'Air clean air stickers - need to know for driving in France" warns UK drivers of a risk of on-the-spot fines if not displaying a sticker when driving in France. I picked up this...

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m42 Cameras removed?

I might be late on this but I'm curious have some of the m42 cameras been removed/replaced? Like the grey boxes behind the gantries? Specifically this one....

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Ignition coil??

My car has lost power and sounds like it's misfiring. Could it be the ignition coil? Anyone know if the RAC can change it? I'm nervous to drive it in case it causes more problems

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Anti pollution fault on Pugeot 207

Can the sensor on the exhaust be faulty as it hasn't lost any water or oil? The car is a 1.3 petrol and it is a 60 plate. As soon as car is started the fan comes on and it says engine is overheating

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Yellow Box at T-Junction. What are Rules please?

Can you clarify something please. At a nearby T Junction, half the road has a yellow box junction in the right to left part of the road. There are no traffic lights. If you are approaching from the...

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Tyre Damage

Just had to pay out for a new tyre for my brand new Merc. Any idea what could have caused the damage shown? It was on the inside of the tyre. Can’t remember hotting anything....

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MOT Smoke Test Result

Hi there, I have a Ford Focus 09 TDCI...best car I have owned. I commute lots in it and do a high mileage. The car has had so little by way of issues, I am still shocked every time I take it to the...

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what is cause of turbo failure on 02 freelnder td4?

I know of a freelander td4 with 142000 miles and is blowing out a lot of smoke and the diagnosis is turbo failure is it normal for this mileage or driver misuse and the reason I am asking it is up for...

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How do I navigate this round-about (South African driver)

Hi I am new to the UK and will need to navigate this round-about in the next few weeks but have no experience of a round about of this size and shape. Could anyone please explain if I need to be in the...

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Damage from debris....

Hello Last week whilst travelling on the motorway to work I ran over some debris on the motorway whilst changing lanes. It looked like a big strip of metal, something like that and I hit it at about...

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Rebuilding after snapped timing belt

I’m currently rebuilding a Saxo Vts (16v) 2002, I bought this recently having stripped I found the inlet cam pulley smashed and the belt was actually alright, on further inspection the timing case bolt...

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Other party won't accept liability wants 50/50 when I am not to blame

Hi, my first time posting, so apologies in advance if not making any sense and very long winded. Last week I was driving along one of the busy main roads In my hometown, which the speed limit is 40mph...

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Front facing Truvelos with no stripes?

I was driving down the a605 past Oundell which in in the Northamptonshire area. There are two Truvelos. One camera facing me and another facing the other side of the traffic. Going past one camera It...

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Steering wheel not straight after alignment?

Hello! I had a 4 wheel alignment done.... but now my steering wheel seems to be leaning towards the right when i'm going in a straight line? Its a 1.4TSI with standard suspension and when i had it done...

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Car starts making weird noise, but only on journeys longer than 20 minutes...

I have a Honda CRV about 12 years old. I normally drive to and from work which is a less than 10 minute journey. On the odd occasion when I need to drive further after about 20 minutes a high pitched...

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Hi all I've just bought a 2002 Citroen xsara 1.4 the problem is I can't turn the blower/heater off anyone got any idea what problem could be Please help Many thanks in advance

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