Fiesta 1.4
Hi Guys, New problem. Stepdaughters 1.4 petrol 2002 fiesta. The speedo has stopped working and so has the odometer. The odo just has dashes --------- where the milaeage should be. I would of first...
View ArticleC3 Diesel fuel injector problem
Citroen C3 Sx 1.4 92HP HDi 16v 5 door Hatchback Manual (5 gear) Diesel 116k Milage Hi Guys I am having a problem with the above car. I have been having problems starting it since the weather got cold,...
View ArticleCar crash, probaibly my fault insurance wise
Hello everybody, Firstly, sorry this post is very long. Secondly, thank you to anyone that can help. So, here is the scenario: I was driving up to a roundabout with 1 car in front of me and we were...
View ArticleWhose insurance to use?
I was driving my wife's car and after reversing out of a very tight spot and whilst waiting for my wife to get in before we drove off (she had been outside helping me with the manoeuvre), our car was...
View Articlemessy windscreen
What is the best thing to really clean a windscreen of the marks the wiper leaves in two places as I have tried lots and it builds up till its a pain in the butt at night? Thanks in advance Peter
View ArticleCorsa turbo problem
The turbocharger on my 08 Corsa 1.3TD failed and had to be replaced (Fault code P0234, waste gate). My milage was only 52600 miles and the car has been driven gently rarely reaching 3000rpm when...
View ArticlePeugeot 206 starter issues.
Hey all ,had my car now for over a year , right the car started to play up recently , taking longer to start to kick over. I had the starter motor rebuilt with new parts and tested before fitting back...
View ArticleHas your car got the back to work blues?
How did your car cope with yesterdays back to work blues? The first big day back at work after New Year is traditionally our biggest day of the year for breakdowns. Many cars - especially second cars...
View ArticleDVLA Perform Again
I scrapped my last car in early December. I sent off the scrappage section of the Registration Document with a claim for 'unused' road tax. I received the cheque late December. Today I received the Tax...
View ArticleLiftsharing
Im wondering if any of you are members of Liftshare and whether in my situation it is worth joining. Were being urged to do so by the Community Trust as a current scheme in the south of the island...
View ArticleBrake caliper question
I bought a car at the end of August that had a few advisorys on the MOT, one of which was 'front near side brake slightly binding'. The garage assured me that all the jobs that needed doing would be,...
View ArticleReluctance to drive again... after an accident.
Hi all newbie here, I passed my driving test first time in October last year, in the November I had a bit of a crash which injured my passenger and I, I have driven once, when I went to pick my car up...
View ArticleDoes your car have a name?
Whats in a name? Theres a lot of talk online about which baby names are going to be big in 2014 - Cheyenne, Malone or Remington, anyone? - but whats the story behind the name you picked for your...
View Article[PLEASE HELP] Price of insurance deterring young people from driving.
Hi all, As part of my ICT a level i am conducting research into whether the price of insurance for young people is making them not want to drive. It would help me a great deal if you could take 1...
View Article[PLEASE HELP] Price of insurance detterring young people to drive
Hi all, As part of my ICT a level i am conducting research into whether the price of insurance for young people is making them not want to drive. It would help me a great deal if you could take 1...
View ArticleMet Office weather alert
Motorists are being warned to stay alert as the Met Office reports more heavy rain. If youre thinking of driving in areas at risk of flooding make sure you check reports along the route first. If you...
View ArticleContesting liability
Hi guys, I'm new on this forum, so firstly I'd like to say Hi to everyone. :) I know you guys must be sick of these threads but I'm feeling completely lost. I was in a small car park in front of some...
View ArticleRattling Noise from Zetec Engine????
Hi all, hope someone can help me!! I have just purchased a Ford Mondeo Zetec 2 Litre Petrol 02 plate. It has a black top on the engine (aparently there are 2 types)? Anyway the car is in immaculate...
View ArticleCivil Servants Give Me A Laugh
London Fire Brigade has just announced the figures for false alarm callouts to Hospitals in the area they cover. One of our local Hospitals has been shown to be the fifth worse with a claimed 94 false...
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