On Wednesday 18th October 2017 I was driving my wife to a caring assignment which she was due to start at 12am that day. Driving from Swindon we took the shortcut through Bracknell only to find that the M2 had been shut down (again) so had to back track to a deviation. This was a nightmare as we had no idea where we were heading and the traffic backlog was terrific. After nearly an hour of stop start driving we found ourselves somewhere just on the inside of the M25 and came to a huge intersection which basically had deviation sign posts in every direction. Took one that we thought was going in the general direction of our destination when the car gave up the ghost. Fortunately we were near a truck stop so glided to that and stopped. Phoned RAC who asked where we were. I had not the foggiest idea where I was other than what Garmin stated as being on the Staynes By-Pass. The very helpful RAC lady said don't worry we will find you and they did. The RAC gentleman who came to our rescue was Mr David Simmons and what a star he was. Having assessed the problem to be a faulty EGR sensor he then proceeded to tow us all the way to Pullborough after dropping my wife off at her caring address which fortunately was on route. David was friendly and helpful and went out of his way to resolve our problem. He would only have got back home that evening after 8pm and we are both very grateful for the extra mile that he went to help us in our time of need. Thank you David Simmons.