Hi everyone, this time it's someone in the wrong posting a question! I've just reversed into a car in a car park (no CCTV)
It was only a kiss / nudge but never the less impact. There was no damage and the guy who I bumped didn't seem too upset. I said sorry and he drove off.The car I was driving is not mine, however I am 100% fully insured on it.
Can he take any action with just my plate no. As we didn't exchange details at the scene? Will anyone take a case with little or no damage, his car was a 54 plate Lexus.
There was no damage as I said but I'm now sat here worrying he is going to try and claim for something. It's my dad's company car! So could case some grief. I'm 99% sure the guy won't be bothered with the hassle for a little kiss but you never know! Any advice fully appreciated. Thanks, tommylilley
It was only a kiss / nudge but never the less impact. There was no damage and the guy who I bumped didn't seem too upset. I said sorry and he drove off.The car I was driving is not mine, however I am 100% fully insured on it.
Can he take any action with just my plate no. As we didn't exchange details at the scene? Will anyone take a case with little or no damage, his car was a 54 plate Lexus.
There was no damage as I said but I'm now sat here worrying he is going to try and claim for something. It's my dad's company car! So could case some grief. I'm 99% sure the guy won't be bothered with the hassle for a little kiss but you never know! Any advice fully appreciated. Thanks, tommylilley