Hi, quick question that I can't seem to find an answer anywhere...
I have got C category licence and will be over 45 shortly. I have received D4 form in post (medical for cat C), but not really using this category as I'm only driving a car. What will happen if I don't send nothing back? Will cat C be automatically revoked and I will stay with cat B? Will entire driving licence be revoked and I can't drive anything? If it is only cat C, in the future if I decide I do need it, can I just take the medical or do I have to take the test again?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I have got C category licence and will be over 45 shortly. I have received D4 form in post (medical for cat C), but not really using this category as I'm only driving a car. What will happen if I don't send nothing back? Will cat C be automatically revoked and I will stay with cat B? Will entire driving licence be revoked and I can't drive anything? If it is only cat C, in the future if I decide I do need it, can I just take the medical or do I have to take the test again?
Thanks in advance for your help.