The car is a Peugeot 207 1600 (120) petrol, 2009 (09 plate) 5 door sport auto. It's done 20k miles - was very low mileage when I bought it a couple of years ago. Recently it has developed a problem that on occasion when I stop, say at a junction, it won't pick up to pull away. It just sits on tickover. This generally happens when it's just off cold (say 0.5 miles), and is accompanied by the cooling fan coming on. I have tried switching off and restarting, but no joy. The in-car diagnostics show no problem. This situation continues for anything up to a minute, and then it's fine, at least till it's either hot or the next junction. On just one occasion the Anti-Pollution Fault showed, but that went away of it's own accord. Help!!