In our row of semi-detached houses (adjoining houses shown by hyphen), there are:
89-91 93-95 97-99 etc. We moved into 97 some 32 years ago. Everyone got along fine, except 93 and 95. 95 (retired police sergeant) did explain reason, and, if true, 93 caused the upset.
Then 95 changed hands and new owners were, and still are, a pain. Lots of cars, part time car servicing on the side, and two spats due to blocking driveway.
93 cosy with 95, so 97 (us) snubbed although we had done nothing to them.
89 and 93 women shopping buddies, so 89 woman also snubbed us (not certain if her husband supports her).
Now, this Friday, postie asks us to take in 3 small parcels for 89, 91 and 93. We take in 89 and 91 (refused 93 and don't know why we accepted 89). Postie left notes at 89 and 91, but 48 hours later nobody has bothered to collect - even though we have seen (and been seen by) both parties whilst we were in our front garden. Don't like putting myself out for the laziness of others. May walk the parcel up for 91 (they are new and seem nice people), but damned if I'll deliver to 89 - one of the snubbers. Although I have considered, if I see her in her garden, to get to a satisfactory distance, shout "catch", and lob it to her!
Our adjoining neighbour (99) says she has taken in parcels and then had to deliver them to the appropriate addresses.
We and 99 agreed that two chances were enough, then would refuse to take in any more. Reasonable???
89-91 93-95 97-99 etc. We moved into 97 some 32 years ago. Everyone got along fine, except 93 and 95. 95 (retired police sergeant) did explain reason, and, if true, 93 caused the upset.
Then 95 changed hands and new owners were, and still are, a pain. Lots of cars, part time car servicing on the side, and two spats due to blocking driveway.
93 cosy with 95, so 97 (us) snubbed although we had done nothing to them.
89 and 93 women shopping buddies, so 89 woman also snubbed us (not certain if her husband supports her).
Now, this Friday, postie asks us to take in 3 small parcels for 89, 91 and 93. We take in 89 and 91 (refused 93 and don't know why we accepted 89). Postie left notes at 89 and 91, but 48 hours later nobody has bothered to collect - even though we have seen (and been seen by) both parties whilst we were in our front garden. Don't like putting myself out for the laziness of others. May walk the parcel up for 91 (they are new and seem nice people), but damned if I'll deliver to 89 - one of the snubbers. Although I have considered, if I see her in her garden, to get to a satisfactory distance, shout "catch", and lob it to her!
Our adjoining neighbour (99) says she has taken in parcels and then had to deliver them to the appropriate addresses.
We and 99 agreed that two chances were enough, then would refuse to take in any more. Reasonable???