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Reversing in to a Bike

Hey guys, first post here as I'm a little stuck.

A couple of weeks back I had just got a new car (8 years old, but it was new to me) and just after purchasing it I had pulled in to my works car park and there was nowhere to park (its a busy shop) so I had stopped in front of hatched yellow lines, where one of my colleagues parks his 50cc scooter. I didn't see the scooter as it was directly behind my car, parked inside the hatched lines.

Anyway, I reversed to give someone else a little more room to get out of their space and leave the car park, and in doing so i knocked my colleagues bike over. I told him straight away and said I would pay for whatever damage was caused (a bent brake lever and scratches on the front panel) He has just got back to me with a quote of £443 which i find absolutely absurd and he is reluctant to go anywhere else other than his usual garage. This garage is clearly ripping him off as it it literally a plastic panel and a brake lever..

Given where the bike was parked (inside yellow hatched lines) I am wondering if my insurance company would pay out for it, and wether from the insurance companies point of view, is the accident my fault or his?

I am only asking because as a full-time student with rent to pay and a minimum wage job I cant really afford to be giving him £443.

Thanks in advance

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