Yesterday, at a lights-controlled traffic island, at a sensible distance I was following a Transit-sized van and took the third exit. Entering this exit, it was a short two-lane one with a pedestrian crossing about 100 metres ahead. As I approached the crossing I was in the nearside lane, and the van was straddling both lanes (the outer on had a 'merge-left arrow) and was moving left because the road was narrowing to one lane at that point, with a centre reservation for pedestrians on the right.
As I was entering the "nip" of the road, a VW Polo came from behind at quite a swift overtaking speed and I had to brake hard to avoid our two cars colliding because of the rapidly narrowing road and the obviously clear indication that the Polo driver had no intention of giving way; instead forcing his car between my car and the rear of the van.
When my wife commented that I did not even sound my horn, I replied, "What would be the point? That driver is one of those louts we just have to tolerate these days". The sad fact is that, if he hasn't already done so, one day he will meet another driver who also does not give way and the result will be a collision. All one can hope for is that the other driver is also of the same arrogant attitude, and that both equally deserve to get their cars crumpled. Just pray that no other persons in the vicinity get hurt.
As I was entering the "nip" of the road, a VW Polo came from behind at quite a swift overtaking speed and I had to brake hard to avoid our two cars colliding because of the rapidly narrowing road and the obviously clear indication that the Polo driver had no intention of giving way; instead forcing his car between my car and the rear of the van.
When my wife commented that I did not even sound my horn, I replied, "What would be the point? That driver is one of those louts we just have to tolerate these days". The sad fact is that, if he hasn't already done so, one day he will meet another driver who also does not give way and the result will be a collision. All one can hope for is that the other driver is also of the same arrogant attitude, and that both equally deserve to get their cars crumpled. Just pray that no other persons in the vicinity get hurt.