First off, as non-smokers ourselves, we would approve this new law that is coming in this year. BUT, the problem is who the government consider to be "children".
Extracted from the website, ""
From October 2015 it will be an offence to smoke or fail to prevent smoking in a private vehicle with someone under the age of 18 present. It carries risk of a £50 fixed penalty notice.
Now, a 17-year-old could pass his/her driving test and be driving before reaching the age of 18. What if the driver AND passengers are all smoking and all the passengers are over 18? Do those passengers face fines, but the driver escapes it, or would the driver be punished as well? If only the driver was smoking, and the over 18 passengers NOT doing so, do those passengers then become responsible, when we all know that, as the driver, he/she carries all the responsibility for the passengers whilst the vehicle is being driven?
It seems that the Westminster sledgehammers are still being kept in good condition and ready for use when it suits.
It also states that "The regulations do not apply to a driver on their own in the car".
Ha! So plod stops a lone driver at the wheel, the driver is smoking, and plod's check on the driver's details shows that he/she is under 18. What action does plod take? Follow the letter of the law for the under 18 rule, or the one where the regulation does not apply to the lone driver?
Extracted from the website, ""
From October 2015 it will be an offence to smoke or fail to prevent smoking in a private vehicle with someone under the age of 18 present. It carries risk of a £50 fixed penalty notice.
Now, a 17-year-old could pass his/her driving test and be driving before reaching the age of 18. What if the driver AND passengers are all smoking and all the passengers are over 18? Do those passengers face fines, but the driver escapes it, or would the driver be punished as well? If only the driver was smoking, and the over 18 passengers NOT doing so, do those passengers then become responsible, when we all know that, as the driver, he/she carries all the responsibility for the passengers whilst the vehicle is being driven?
It seems that the Westminster sledgehammers are still being kept in good condition and ready for use when it suits.
It also states that "The regulations do not apply to a driver on their own in the car".
Ha! So plod stops a lone driver at the wheel, the driver is smoking, and plod's check on the driver's details shows that he/she is under 18. What action does plod take? Follow the letter of the law for the under 18 rule, or the one where the regulation does not apply to the lone driver?